A widespread Microsoft outage disrupted flights, banks, media outlets and companies around the world on Friday. Cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike said that the issue is not a security incident or cyberattack. CrowdStrike CEO George Kurtz posted on social media platform X that the company “is actively working with customers impacted by a defect found in a single content update for Windows hosts.”
Join us as we delve into the latest developments in cybersecurity. From emerging threats to cutting-edge protective technologies, our expert analysis will keep you informed and prepared.
Cybersecurity staff augmentation is crucial for Managed Service Providers (MSPs) and Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) for several compelling reasons.
In an era where digital threats are evolving at an unprecedented pace, businesses in the United States are increasingly turning towards innovative solutions to bolster their cybersecurity defenses.
Are you connect with the latest in cybersecurity? Look no further! CyberSecure is your one-stop channel for the most up-to-date cybersecurity news and insights.
Researchers from Wordfence have sounded the alarm about a “sudden” spike in cyber attacks attempting to exploit an unpatched flaw in a WordPress plugin called Kaswara Modern WPBakery Page Builder Addons.
Often, organizations think of firewall security as a one-and-done type of solution. They install firewalls, then assume that they are “good to go” without investigating whether or not these solutions are actually protecting their systems.
A widespread Microsoft outage disrupted flights, banks, media outlets and companies around the world on Friday. Cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike said that the issue is not a security incident or cyberattack. CrowdStrike CEO George Kurtz posted on social media platform X that the company “is actively working with customers impacted by a defect found in a single content update for Windows hosts.”
Google on Monday shipped security updates to address a high-severity zero-day vulnerability in its Chrome web browser that it said is being exploited in the wild.